The End of the Rainbow - Encouragement Café - January 29

The End Of The Rainbow
By Joan Walker Hahn

Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Genesis 9:14-15 NIV

I vividly remember a time when my family was in our car and we drove through a very heavy rain. When the downpour ended, we saw a beautiful rainbow. It was right in front of us and then we drove right through the end of the rainbow! A prism of color appeared all around us and even the inside of the car had a majestic glow. Then just as quickly, we drove out of that cloud of color and continued down the road. However, I hate to inform you that we did not find a pot of gold!

The amazing feeling of being enveloped in the rainbow’s glory has never been forgotten. I would like to think that when Noah and his family first saw the rainbow God placed in the sky, they were also filled with awe.

However, before they were blessed with the sight of that rainbow, Noah and his family had to endure a great storm.

I can’t imagine all of the emotions that they were experiencing closed up in the ark. They began to feel the rain and storm rage around the large vessel before feeling it lift and move with the rising water. As the story goes, they heard the pouring rain for 40 days and 40 nights. Perhaps they were scared or worried, wondering when the storm would end.

But the storm did end. The water receded and eventually they were able to stand again on dry ground. How grateful they must have felt to exit the ark and feel the steadiness and firmness of unmoving earth beneath their feet.

After they faithfully endured the storm, God placed the rainbow in the sky as an everlasting covenant with Noah and all generations to come.

We do not see rainbows in the sky every day. In fact, we don’t see them after every storm. But on those rare occasions that we do see them, we appreciate the beauty and are reminded of God’s promises. 

In life, we may also experience storms but fail to see the rainbow. On those special occasions when we do feel and sense God’s moving on our behalf, it is just like driving through the end of the rainbow with His glory surrounding us and we are assured that His promises are true. 

What about the storms without rainbows? Keep looking up. Christ is the representation of the New Covenant – and He is always present.

Sometimes when we go through storms in our life, we may feel like we are being tossed around on stormy seas. And to me, it’s the unknowing of how long the storm will last that scares me the most. When will the rain stop? When will my feet be on firm ground again?

God had told Noah about the approaching storm and instructed him to build an ark as his way of escape. Just as God provided a way for Noah to weather the storm until he could witness the rainbow, He will do the same for us.

Jesus tells us, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 NIV). We are warned we will have storms. Because Christ overcame this world, as His children, we will as well. “Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God” (1 John 5:5 NIV).

Remember the rainbows do not come before the storms. The storms come first. Faithfully enduring the storm makes the rainbow even more beautiful.

Dear Father, thank You for Your promises. When I am going through the storms that will occur in my life, help me remember that You have already promised I will get through them. Thank You for Your covenant love that was shown when Christ shed His blood for all. Just as the rainbow symbolized Your promise to never destroy man again, may I always look to You, Lord Jesus, as the ultimate everlasting covenant of eternal salvation You offer to all who believe in You. I love You, Lord. Amen.

For more encouragement, visit Joan at

© 2021 by Joan Walker Hahn.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / The End of the Rainbow - Encouragement Café - January 29