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Not A Just - Encouragement Café - November 8

Not A Just
 By Dawn Mast

In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek her name is Dorcas); she was always doing good and helping the poor. Acts 9:36 NIV

Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to speak to about 500 women. It was a day full of worship music, a stage artist, plenty of vendors and a prayer room made for each of the ladies in attendance.

I wanted my spoken words to be meaningful and to bring a message that God had put on my heart specifically for that day. What I said as I stood on that stage was, “Who here is a just?”

There were some confused looks until I explained that in life we often describe ourselves as, “just a mom”, “just a pastor’s wife”, “just a secretary”, “just a single lady who drives the school bus”, just, just, just...

It’s easy to get caught up in the things that define us and we forget what we do that wraps us in the plan of the Divine. God, calls us to do things that may feel low, less than and boring, but we are doing it all as part of His plan.

He is still fulfilling His plan through us as we change diapers, care for the sick, drive for miles and prepare meal after meal. All of it can be done for His glory.

But, God has called each of us to be more than “just” the name we give ourselves. Even when we read Acts 9 we see Dorcas as a woman who was pretty much flying under the radar. Until, you realize that what she did was serve with her whole heart!

Once she died (at least temporarily according to verse 40) we saw how the people responded to what her sewing skills and her ministry to the poor meant to them.

We may not see, this side of Heaven, what our ministry means to those we serve. However, we can be sure that God will be faithful to use our skills and abilities to further His Kingdom here on earth. We need to be willing to allow God to use us and be open to His leading.

I’m delighted, Lord, that there is a calling “just” for me! May I fulfill it to the best of my ability to glorify Your Kingdom. 

Whenever you feel that what you are doing is draining and you question if it’s helpful to the Kingdom of God, ask Him how to use you. Trust that He will show you how your talents and gifts are being best used to help others and to be an earthy witness for His Kingdom.

Thank You, Father God, for the talents, gifts and abilities You have given me. Please help me on the days when I feel like a “just” and that I’m not doing anything worthy, important or good. I know that if I’m doing something for You, for others and with a willing heart, then I am doing good for Your Kingdom. I pray, Lord, that I am making a difference for You and that people are seeing the Truth and hope of Christ in all I do. Thank you, God, for shining in me today. In Jesus’ Name.  Amen. 

© 2018 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Not A Just - Encouragement Café - November 8