Finding God at the End of Yourself - Encouragement Café - June 15

Finding God at the End of Yourself
 By Dawn Neely

And Joseph's master took him, and put him into the prison, a place where the king's prisoners were bound: and he was there in prison. Genesis 39:20 (KJV)

After Potiphar's wife falsely accused him, Joseph hit rock bottom… again.  Once more the recipient of undeserved hatred, he found himself condemned, not in a pit this time but in his master's dungeon.

And yet as a man of principle, Joseph displayed enduring patience. He had fled the seductive temptation from Potiphar's wife on the strength of his conviction, making his decision on the basis of purity and rightness. Indeed, Joseph feared God more than he feared the dungeon. He could not sin with Potiphar's wife because to do so would have been to sin against God.

Such a view of sin in our lives will keep us, too, on the narrow way. True faithfulness comes not from being pragmatic but by being principled. It is the forming of decisions in the quiet places with God that will help us know how to respond. The Lord's presence remains with His people even in the most extreme circumstances.

From time to time, we may feel as if we have hit the dungeon.  A new low in our lives and we are confined by chilling isolation.  Maybe that's you today.  What is weighing down on your weary soul?

No matter what, the Lord knows.  He's never been taken by surprise, and He loves you with an everlasting love.  Take comfort in knowing that God is providentially in control of your life.  God is as much in control of the trauma, animosity, and difficulty we face as He has always been.  So let's not let disappointing times, when we are at the end of ourselves, be considered as if God is thwarting His unfolding purposes in our lives.  Instead, let's learn each day to trust Him more completely.

Dear Father God, today I am at the end of myself. I have tried and failed to work various situations out in my life, and returned to the same empty place each time, feeling alone and defeated. As I read Your Word, I am reminded that many of Your most faithful servants endured hardships in order to learn of Your faithfulness. Help me, Oh God, to realize that in the times of distress and confusion, You are there, just waiting for me to seek Your face. Help me Lord to choose You over myself and to have no other gods before You. My life is in Your hands. Thank You Lord for Your love, provision and protection. I realize in the dungeon circumstances of my life is where I will learn to truly depend on You. Thank You for teaching me when I come to the place You are all I have, I will truly find You are all I need.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

© 2020 by Dawn Neely.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Finding God at the End of Yourself - Encouragement Café - June 15