Banish the Unofficial Luggage of Foster Care

Car Wash - Encouragement Café - October 11, 2016

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Car Wash
By Diana Henderson
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Judge not, that ye be not judged.  For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.  Matthew 7:1-2 KJV

We were returning late to Port au Prince after a long, tiring trip to Mirabelais, Haiti.  We were in need of doing one more errand before returning to our hotel.   While those traveling with me went to take care of business, I remained in the car with our Haitian driver, Bobby.

A short period of time passed when there appeared a lame man who approached our car and Bobby spoke with him.  I asked what he wanted and Bobby informed me that he had seen how dirty our windows were (dirt roads will do that) and he wanted to clean them for us.  

You wouldn’t believe the layer of dirt on those windows (the windshield wipers had just smeared the dirt).  Hey, the man was willing to provide a much needed service and was to be commended for willingness to work.  

After cleaning the windows (doing an excellent job I shall add), I asked Bobby what he wanted for this service.  Bobby said I could just pay whatever I wanted to and that would be fine.  I gave him $5.00.  Bobby informed me that the man said THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

He left and, in just a minute, returned dragging a five-gallon bucket.  He headed straight for us.  Now I know what you are thinking, I was thinking the same thing.

I got her for $5.00 for cleaning the windows.  Now I’ll see what she pays me for cleaning the car.

BUT we are wrong!!!  Bobby spoke with him and he translated for me.  The man said,

Madam, you paid me $5.00 for cleaning the windows.  That is a week’s wages for me.  Let me wash the entire car for you to earn that $5.00.

In his dire circumstances, he had integrity!  I pray that I would do the same!! Let us not be so quick to judge, lest we be judged!!!

Visit Hope for Haiti’s Childrenonline to see how you can help.

Heavenly Father, we love You.  Thank You Lord, for humbling us through experiences like this.  Thank You for giving us eyes for all Your children and thank You for organizations like Hope for Haiti’s Children which provide us an opportunity to give to Your children by sponsoring a child.  Lord, we pray that You will bring forth sponsors each of these beautiful children.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

© 2016 by Diana Henderson.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Car Wash - Encouragement Café - October 11, 2016