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There's Always Time to be Martha - Encouragement Café - November 4, 2016


There's Always Time To Be Martha
By Dawn Mast
Friday, November 4, 2016

But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made.  She came to Him and asked, Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself?  Tell her to help me.   Luke 10:40 NIV

Everything felt sticky, the house was dirty and my "to do" list was pressing on me.  As a mama of 4 busy, young ones, 2 dogs always shedding hair and a husband with a chaotic medical practice, I am sometimes frazzled and frenzied. 

Scheduled days are my life and every moment is planned out and purposed.

But one day our son just needed time to talk.  He needed someone to listen about his worries regarding moving away to college and his new life away from home. 

My errand running, lists and house-hold worries were put on hold.  My "mama" hat went on and I sat with him and heard his heart.  I helped him make a list of what he needed for school and make a plan for his semester.

I had to stop my stuff, push aside my list, and insert the needs of someone else and that was so hard for a type A, perfectionist, busy person like me.  But it was worth it to hear the worries and heart of my dear son and know that I'd taken time to really listen and pray with him.

Rushing is easy.  Stopping is hard.

Ignoring is popular.  Really hearing someone is harder, but so, so necessary.

How can we slow down amidst the chaos and frenzy of our day and really be with the people we love?  How can we listen to the Lord and follow Him even when we are stressed and strung out?

Ask the Lord today how to use you to speak to someone who needs some special time.   Even if you need to slow down it will be time well spent.

When we are so busy, our focus tends to be on ourselves and our things.  What we need to get done, where we need to go and what we need to buy.  

Today, take some time to pray and ask the Lord to show you someone who needs some focused time, a meal bought for them or just a quick word of encouragement.  If we can take our focus off us and place it in the hands of the Father He can direct our day and use it for His glory.

Thank you, Father God, for the gift of this day.  May we use it well to glorify You and to show others Your faithfulness, love and hope.  Please help us to use our time to not rush about so much that we miss the good things You have for us, but that we would cherish the beauty around us and know that You are always good and that You love us.  Amen!

© 2016 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / There's Always Time to be Martha - Encouragement Café - November 4, 2016