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The Upside Down of Rejection - Encouragement Café - May 27, 2016

The Upside Down of Rejection
By Dr. Trudy Simmons

Friday, May 27, 2016

You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result. Genesis 50:20 NASB

Rejection… why ME! 

Rejection happens to all of us.  It starts on the playground at school and can follow us into our adult life!  Rejection catches us off guard.  It is real and rejection pierces right into the heart.  Rejection keeps us from moving forward and in some cases can paralyze us. 

The downsides to rejection are many, but could there be a positive side to rejection?  Is that possible? 

We tend to allow rejection to shut us up and shut us down.  Jesus was rejected, but rejection did not stop Jesus from His purpose and calling in life. 

Think about this.  Rejection may just be a blessing in disguise. 

Consider a friend that rejects you.  While it hurts in the moment, maybe the Lord knows that the friendship down the road would not bring Him glory or it might hurt you in a more severe way.  So in His mercy, He allows it to end.

You may have wanted a certain job that you thought you could not do without.  What if the Lord was protecting you through that rejection?  

Yes, as painful as rejection may be, rejection can be used for good and God’s glory.  So pick yourself up, hold your head high and put that rejection under your feet!

Instead of finding fault with yourself and letting rejection get the best of you, ask the Lord to show you His goodness and mercy through rejection.  I bet you will be surprised. 

Father, I know that Your promises are Your Word and that Your Word says that You cause all things to work together for my good and for Your glory.  Help me to cling to this verse as I walk through painful situations.  Lord, I ask that You fill me with Your Peace, which is the peace that surpasses all understanding.  Help me to see the promised goodness You have for me on the other side of pain.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2014 by Dr. Trudy Simmons.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / The Upside Down of Rejection - Encouragement Café - May 27, 2016