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A Child of The King - Encouragement Café - June 16, 2017

A Child of The King
By Carolyn Dale Newell

Friday, June 16, 2017

For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.”  Romans 8:15 NKJV

Have you ever had those times of fear, worry, despair, disappointment, discouragement…? You know what I am talking about. We have all had those times when our plans go awry, our finances fizzle, or tragedy strikes. Those are the times when we must remember who we are.

We are not only Christians, believers, and saints. The world labels us as fanatics, Bible thumpers, and holy rollers, but who are we really? We are children of the King!

The Creator of the universe is our Father, our Daddy. He spoke the world into existence. He parted the Red Sea. He defied His own laws of gravity when He walked on water.

He healed the sick, opened blinded eyes, and raised the dead. When the Israelites were hungry, He fed them manna. When they were thirsty, He gave them water out of a rock.

There is nothing impossible for God, and that, dear child of God, is who our Father is.

God is not just our King. He is our Father, which is a much more intimate relationship. He has adopted us. He chose us because He loved us with an everlasting love.

It is a love which caused Him to leave the glories of heaven and come to this earth as a man to suffer and die for us that we may be saved. It doesn’t stop there because Christ conquered death and hell for us when He arose from the dead.

There is a limit to what our earthly fathers can do. There is no limit with our heavenly Father. His grace knows no end. His mercy knows no bounds. His supply is never depleted. Christian, don’t feel defeated. You are a child of the King!

Commit Romans 8:15 to memory. Remind other Christians that they are a child of the one true King. Focus on this fact throughout your day.

Dear Father, help me remember that You are my Father, and I am Your child. I cannot grasp the vastness of Your great love, mercy, power, and provision. Help me to always trust in You. Amen.

© 2017 by Carolyn Dale Newell.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / A Child of The King - Encouragement Café - June 16, 2017