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Our Second Chance God - Encouragement Café - June 16

Our Second Chance God
By Carolyn Dale Newell

So David said to Nathan, ‘I have sinned against the Lord.’ And Nathan said to David, ‘The Lord also has put away your sin; you shall not die…’ 2 Samuel 11:13 NKJV

We flop. We flounder. We fail, and then we fall. Fall into sin. Never think we are above it because it slips upon us.

It was the spring of the year when kings go out to war, but King David remained in his palace. That’s the flop. As he strolled upon his rooftop one evening, he saw Beautiful Bathsheba bathing on her roof. King David floundered.

His failure began as he inquired about this lovely woman. When he learned she was married, David continued down the slippery slope of sin as he sent for her. Now, King David, a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22) committed adultery, but it doesn’t end there. Our sins will catch up with us, even the secret ones.

Bathsheba sent word to David that she was pregnant. In hopes to cover up their transgression, David called Uriah, Bathsheba’s husband, home from the battle. David hoped Uriah would go into his wife and then believe the unborn child was his. Noble Uriah refused to enter his house while his comrades were still fighting. Seeing no other way out, David wrote a letter to his commander, Joab, and he sent it with Uriah when he returned to war. Uriah never realized he carried his own death warrant. David had instructed Joab to place Uriah in the line of fire.

How did King David fail God, devising a murderous plot to cover up his sin? The same way we do. Some of us may not fall as far as David and Bathsheba, and some may fall further. 

After Uriah’s death, David married Bathsheba, but their infant child died. Bad choices have consequences. This royal couple suffered the loss of a child, but God remembered Bathsheba.

God gives us second chances. He even gives us third and fourth chances. David and Bathsheba repented of their sins. God forgives. When we mess up, God doesn’t give up.

Bathsheba gave birth to five more children, and one of them was Solomon. He became king after his father, David died.

We find David and Bathsheba in Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus Christ. Why? Because the Lord wants us to know He is a forgiving God. He wants us to know that when we mess up, He doesn’t give up. He wants us to know that failure occurs. But He will dust us off, clean us up, and give us a new start.

We live in bodies of flesh. Flesh that lusts. Flesh that gives into temptation. Isn’t it comforting to know that on those rare occasions, God still loves us?

Are you going through a time when you feel you have let God down? God offers you the same forgiveness and second chance He offered David and Bathsheba. Who can you share this story of redemption with today?

Heavenly Father, we strive for obedience, but at times, the flesh takes over. Lord, help us walk in the Spirit. Thank You that though we fall, the enemy does not have victory. Your love remains. Your mercies are renewed. … In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

For more encouragement, visit Carolyn at 

© 2021 by Carolyn Dale Newell.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Our Second Chance God - Encouragement Café - June 16