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Multiply Your Talents - Encouragement Café - July 5, 2017

Multiply Your Talents
By Kathy Sweeny

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Jesus said “I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away.”  Luke 19:26 NIV

Read the entire parable:  Luke 19:11-26 (NIV)

While studying the book of Luke in depth, I came across this parable.  I have studied it many times before, but always in the context of financial studies. 

The message: we are to be good stewards of the money on which God provides for us to live.  We should spend it wisely, not waste it, invest and save so it grows but also give generously. 

But this time, since I was not in a financial study but a personal study, the parable took on a different meaning.

God has given each one of us a “talent”.  Not money but a gift; something that you not only do well, but when you do it, it brings you great joy.  Things like, writing, teaching, speaking, problem solving, singing, creating, inventing, etc. 

The objective?  To use these ‘gifts’ (talents that the Lord has gifted you to do) to grow and expand God’s kingdom here on earth.

Jesus told His disciples that He would be going away but that He would come back again.  And like the king in the parable, He expects us to use those gifts that He has given us in order to benefit His kingdom. 

We are to be doing Christ’s work, while we wait for His return.

For me, God had given me the gift of working with children, it is what brings me the greatest joy.  I realized that when we use the talents that God gave us for His glory, and we do the things that come natural or easy to us in order to serve God, our confidence grows to do other things as well and to step out of our comfort zone. 

This is exactly what happened to me at that time.  I started out the year simply wanting to serve God and doing so by using the very talents that HE had given me.  And before I knew it, I was doing things that I had never even dreamed of doing. 

I realized that I had used what He gave me and then He gave me more!

What gifts has God gifted YOU with?  Are you using them to serve Him and to bring Him Glory?  Is someone inviting you to step out of your comfort zone? 

Do you trust that God wants to exalt you in His perfect time, for His glory?  What are you waiting for? God wants to multiply YOUR talents.

Step out of your comfort zone.  It’s ok to take baby steps.  Start by doing the very things that He has already gifted you to do and do them for HIS glory.  You will be blown away by what happens next.

Heavenly Father, I love You so much.  Thank You for gifting each one of us with talents which are as unique to us as Your relationship with us.  Show us how we can use those gifts for YOUR glory, to serve YOU on a daily basis.  I know Lord, that there is someone out there that You would like to bless, and that they already possess the gifts which would bless them.  Grant them courage today, Lord, to step out of their comfort zone and serve You, using what You have already given them, and then multiply those talents in a way that only You can.  We pray these things in the name of Your Precious Son, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

© 2017 by Kathy Sweeny. All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Multiply Your Talents - Encouragement Café - July 5, 2017