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Confetti Overflowing - Encouragement Café - January 17, 2017

Confetti Overflowing
By Paris Renae

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you. 1 Thessalonians 3:12 NIV

Not too long ago there was a ‘pay it forward’ commercial on TV. As each person witnessed a kind act of another, they were inspired to do a kind act themselves. The point the advertiser was making, beyond what their company sells, is that our little acts of kindness spread as others see us in action.

We are so richly blessed. The fact that we are saved from condemnation and saved for a glorious eternity is surely enough. But the Father’s love is lavish and we are immersed in blessing after blessing.

I’ll never forget the time friends showed up one Saturday morning with breakfast all made – ‘Surprise – we came with breakfast just because we wanted to treat you and spend some time with you.’ Or the times I’ve received unexpected notes expressing love or friendship, leaving me smiling.

A kind act for our spouse, child, friend, or stranger is Jesus living through us. It’s the fruit of the Spirit that we have the moment we say ‘yes’ to salvation. The Holy Spirit indwells us – we have all we need to spread the kindness that overflows from the Spirit through us. In all things, Jesus is our example. Think of the many things He did in the short time He ministered to us here on earth. He took the extra step and it wasn’t because someone deserved His kindness.  It wasn’t merit based.

A kind act has the ripple effect, reaching beyond what we will see. It makes the giver’s and the receiver’s day a little happier.

Remember, confetti isn’t only for special occasions. Do you know someone who could use a mini-celebration? What are you waiting for? Tell them you are sharing God’s overflowing abundance of blessing after blessing – just because…

Everything recorded in the Bible is for our growth and learning. As we read about the actions of our great Savior and think of how many sacrificially give and serve, let’s have the ripple effect and reach a thirsty soul. Someone who just needs a little kindness. It may not be an easy person, so be prepared, but don’t hold back. Not given on their merits, extended because we are compelled to reach those who need refreshment.

Oh Father, as you daily refresh us, show us how to extend Your kindness to those around us. Increase our love and let us overflow to many who need a little confetti in their lives. As we overflow with Your love and allow the fruit of the Spirit to flow through us, we can be life changers, encouragers, and Your servants. Thank You for showing us how - now we pray that you would embolden us to see those in need. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

© 2017 by Paris Renae.  All rights reserved.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Encouragement Café / Confetti Overflowing - Encouragement Café - January 17, 2017