Banish the Unofficial Luggage of Foster Care

Devotional For Dieters 11/29

November 29

John 16:22

'And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.'

It was very weird, but Linda sort of missed her diet. She had made some really good friends in her weight-loss group, and she had gotten used to the routine. If anyone would have told her a few months ago that she would miss dieting, she would have said they were crazy. What was there to miss? She had freedom to eat more of what she wanted to now, and she didn't have to be self-conscious. Linda really believed that God had given her new friends and experiences for a reason. She was so thankful that she had been able to lose weight the way she did, with the people she did. Maybe now she could go back and be a help to others.

Today's thought: On days when I can't help myself, maybe I can help others!