Give Thanks Today - Crosswalk the Devotional - Mar. 15

Crosswalk the Devotional

Give Thanks Today
by Ryan Duncan, Culture Editor

Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. – 1 Chronicles 16:8 

I have a system for writing devotionals. First I start with a funny or emotional story about some event in my past. Next, I’ll usually drop in a Bible reference that loosely coincides with my experience. Finally, I’ll finish off with how I learned more about God as a result. Simple, effective, and clean.

I’d like to try something a little different with today's devotional. Instead of telling a story, I’d simply like to give thanks. I don’t thank God enough for the things He has given me; usually I’m too busy asking for more. So today, as awkward as it might be, I’d like to publicly thank Him for all He has done, starting with my family. Thank you, God, for my family.

Thank you for my job.
Thank you for providing for me in more ways than one.
Thank you that I have food in my pantry.
Thank you that I have clean water to drink.
Thank you for giving me a place to sleep at night.
Thank you that I have clothes to wear.
Thank you that I have friends who care about me.
Thank you that I have a Church where I can freely worship.
Thank you that I have a copy of your Word available to read.
Thank you that I am healthy.
Thank you for the ability to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. 
Thank you for the sun, the moon, and the stars.
Thank you for the birds in the air.
Thank you for the fish in the sea.
Thank you for the animals all across the globe.
Thank you for your Grace, which I do not deserve.
Thank you for sending your Son, who died for my sins.

I could go on, there is so much more I’d like to list. Instead, I’d like to pass this spirit of gratitude on to you. Today, remember to give thanks for the ways God has blessed you, and think about all the things He has done. Big and small, meaningful or bizarre, write them out or say them aloud. I think the list will grow longer than you would believe.

Intersecting Faith and Life: Write out your blessings on a sheet of paper. See for yourself what God has done in your life.  

Further Reading

Psalms 45

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Christianity / Devotionals / The Crosswalk Devotional / Give Thanks Today - Crosswalk the Devotional - Mar. 15