Jesus’ Encouragement to Our Troubled World - Crosswalk the Devotional - April 23

Last words always contain rich meaning. These are important for us to hold onto today.

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Jesus’ Encouragement to Our Troubled World
By Debbie McDaniel

“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

In John 16 we find Jesus speaking to his disciples of events that would soon unfold. They needed to hear His words of encouragement and Truth more than ever, for He knew the darkness of the hour still to come. He taught them about the power of praying in His name. He told them how they would soon be scattered, but that those who belong to Him would never be alone. For God is always there, close. He reminded them that they should not be surprised at the tension they would feel in an unbelieving world.

“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace (security, safety, undisturbed, blessed state). In the world you have tribulation (trouble, oppression, pressure, affliction), but take courage (be of good cheer, take heart), I have overcome (carried off the victory, conquered) the world.” John 16:33

Words that have such meaning, that hold such power still today. These were some of the last words Jesus spoke to His disciples before his journey to the cross.

Last words always contain rich meaning. These are important for us to hold onto today.

He reminds us that only in Him can true peace be found.

He reminds us that in spite of the struggles we will face in this life, we never walk alone, for He is with us. He will never abandon us in our trials or leave us to work it all out on our own.

He reminds us to take courage.

He reminds us He has overcome. He has won the victory, and through Christ, we too are more than conquerors.

Jesus never called us to embrace the world and all it offers. But He calls us to follow Him, to be salt and light, and to walk in love.

It’s a whole new day ahead. And He has plans for you, for me, to make a difference in these days, in the life of another soul, for His purposes.

To be a friend.

To encourage.

To offer care and show compassion in a world that is broken.

Praying that His huge grace, wisdom, and strength cover us today. And that in Him, we will find freedom from worry, letting go of the stress that clings too tightly, the pressing needs of tomorrow, and struggles we battle today, and fully embrace His peace.

Take courage my friends…

For He’s the Overcomer. And we are never alone.


Intersecting Faith & Life: Do you sometimes struggle with feeling like you’ve been left all alone in your troubles? Choose to take courage today, reminding yourself of this truth: God promises peace in the midst of all we walk through. He will never leave us and is faithful to see us through.

Further Reading:
John 14:27
Romans 8:37-39
Philippians 4:6-7

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Christianity / Devotionals / The Crosswalk Devotional / Jesus’ Encouragement to Our Troubled World - Crosswalk the Devotional - April 23