What To Do When We Get Weary
By: Anne Peterson
Today’s Bible Verse: Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. – Isaiah 40:30-31
Serving. We’re exhorted to do it. We learn that Jesus came to serve (John 10:45). But sometimes after serving you get tired. You make sure the needs of others are met and it’s then you realize how tired you are.
Growing up, I don’t remember my mom ever sitting down with a cup of coffee. Having five kids left little time for that kind of restful pleasure. And then at some point, she started working with my dad at the snack shop they owned, and things changed even more. We’d come home from school and have only a few minutes with her before she had to leave. In the morning, she’d still be sleeping when we left for school. Having a model who never rested made it easy for me to duplicate that behavior.
God knows we get tired. He tells us to come to him when we are weak or heavy laden and he promises he’ll give us rest (Matthew 11:28). Even God rested after he made the world, modeling rest for us. We know he didn’t need rest. He never grows weary.
But Jesus experienced weariness. After Jesus ministered to the people, he’d get exhausted. He would slip off by himself and withdraw to lonely places (Luke 5:16). And what would Jesus do? He would pray. And God would strengthen him.
Isaiah tells us when we hope in the Lord, God will renew our strength. We will soar on wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not be faint (Isaiah 40:30-31).
When we don’t take time out to get refreshed, we become irritable. We get short with others. We don’t enjoy the things we normally enjoy. If Jesus himself pulled away to let the Father refresh him, how can we possibly think we can keep going without God’s help?
Will we be people who work till they drop, or people who will take the time for needed rest?
When I think of the 23rd Psalm, I love the image of the shepherd leading his beloved sheep, making them lie down in green pastures, and leading them beside still waters. Jesus is our shepherd and he will lead us, every day, if we just listen to his gentle voice.
I am reminded of the beautiful hymn, Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us, compiled by Dorothy Ann Thrupp. Read and reflect on these words, and recommit to rest this year.
Savior like a shepherd, lead us, much we need thy tender care.
In thy pleasant pastures feed us, for our use Thy folds prepare.
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, thou hast bought us, thine we are.
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, thou hast bought us thine we are.
Anne Peterson is a poet, speaker, published author of 16 books, including her latest book, Always There: Finding God's Comfort Through Loss. Anne’s first memoir is: Broken: A story of Abuse, Survival and Hope. She has published children’s books and poetry books, such as Droplets: Poetry for Those in Grief, and He Whispers: Poetic talks with God. Anne is also a regular contributor to Crosswalk.com. Anne’s poetry has been sold in gift stores since 1996. To receive a free eBook, Sign up for Anne’s newsletter at www.annepeterson.com and click the tab. Or connect with her on Facebook.
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