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Victory in Unity - Beloved Women - May 16, 2019

Victory in Unity – Beloved Women – May 16, 2019


“But he, knowing their thoughts, said to them, "Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls. And if Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand?” - Luke 11:17-18 ESV


Even Satan knows a kingdom must be unified to succeed, which is why one of his greatest attacks will be to cause as much division in our homes, churches, and communities as possible. His scheme will be to trick us into believing that the attacks aren’t coming from him but from those closest to us, from those we are called to love and serve, and from those who were never our real enemy in the first place. He doesn’t care if we fight, as long as we fight the wrong enemy. He wants us to stay isolated, closed off, and especially away from church, because he knows that what Matthew 16:18 says is true: “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”. (Matthew 16:18 ESV)

Your enemy will not prevail against the body of Christ, so he desires to dismantle Christ’s bride as much as he can before that happens. It’s up to us to realize the power we have in unity and to choose love over division.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the power you have given us as the body of Christ. I pray for unity among believers as we seek to glorify your Kingdom together. In Jesus Christ’s Name, I pray. Amen.


How can you personally promote more unity in the body of Christ?


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Christianity / Devotionals / Beloved Women / Victory in Unity - Beloved Women - May 16, 2019