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How to Tackle the Hard Things with Faith - Beloved Women - August 14, 2023

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How to Tackle the Hard Things with Faith – Beloved Women – August 14, 2023


But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.” - James 1:25 NIV


It was a little daunting to sign up for what they were asking. If I wanted to run the race, travel with the team, and receive the anticipated awards, I needed to follow the coach’s advice: train daily, cut out harmful habits and include some healthy ones.

This race wasn’t about my skill. The results came from my obedience to what the coach advised me to do. The teacher had wisdom and knowledge to train an amateur athlete to win.

Faith in the coach’s direction to win is what produces obedience in every instruction to train. When we believe God’s promises for our good, our faith will produce obedience to His Word.

When we trust God’s Word more than our own knowledge and ways, leading a life of discipline is just what we do.

Our rewards tomorrow depend on our obedience to training today.  When we train well, we win.


Heavenly Father,  thank you that your Word says you have mapped out this race for my good when I follow your instructions. Strengthen my resolve to remain committed to your Word daily. Holy Spirit, prompt me to recall your commands when I’m standing at the crossroads in life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


What is one healthy God-honoring habit you can add into your training regimen each day, or perhaps once a week? Could you commit to discussing a devotional with a friend? Or maybe carve out 15 minutes to pray with someone?


The Beloved Women’s Conferenceis a one-day event filled with speakers, entertainment, breakout sessions and more to refresh, refuel, and empower women like us to find rest for our souls, peace for our minds, and hope for the journey. Join us October 12, 2019 in Raleigh, NC as we explore this year’s theme “Soul Rest.” To learn more and to purchase your ticket click here.


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Christianity / Devotionals / Beloved Women / How to Tackle the Hard Things with Faith - Beloved Women - August 14, 2023