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Answers for Each Day - September 22

The Third Commandment of Marriage: Speak Well of Your Mate

Exodus 20:7 gives us our third commandment of marriage, 

"You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain."

Many misunderstand the term, in vain.  It means empty, meaningless, insincere, not showing due respect. 

When we speak flippantly or lightly about someone, we erode our respect for that person.  Some people are just far too casual in the way they speak of their spouse, and it erodes your respect for him or her.

In marriage, few things can affect the relationship like words.  Words are containers.  They can contain love; they can contain hate; they can contain joy; they can contain bitterness.

The book of James says that our tongue is like a rudder on a ship.  It will send the ship of your marriage in whatever direction your words go.  Some people are on the brink of divorce because they talk divorce.  Just listen to the words they say.  Are they negative or positive?  Critical or encouraging?

One night I was out with a couple of friends diving for lobster.  Some guys were out in one of those big, long speedboats drinking and zooming back and forth at 60 miles an hour. All of a sudden, BANG! The boat hit the rocks.

But it did not hit the rocks by itself.  It was steered into the rocks.  Just like the driver of that boat, some people are steering their marriage into the rocks of divorce, into the rocks of heartache, by the words they speak.

Think about what you say.  Are you building up your partner?  Learn to speak well of your mate.  Build them up with your words.  Be lavish with your praise.  You will be pleased with where those words will take your relationship.

Visit the Answers with Bayless Conley website for more ways to connect with God. 

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Chase the abundant life God has for you!

Peace, love, purpose, passion, restoration, healing . . . we all want to experience those things this year. But is it actually possible?

It is—because God invites you to pursue the abundant life in Him every day!  And you’ll find out exactly how to do that with Bayless Conley’s NEW book, Great Pursuits: Chasing What Matters Most in Life.

This resource gives you scriptural, practical, and personal lessons from God’s Word—as well as from Bayless’ own life—to help you pursue what’s most important in life even in these challenging times.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Answers for Each Day, with Bayless Conley / Answers for Each Day - September 22