Permissions & Copyright FAQ

Why do I need permission to copy something from

All written work is the sole owner of the person (or organization) that created that work. The owner has the right to copy, reproduce, or distribute that work or to allow others to do so. Since is the owner of the content on this site, you must receive permission if you wish to copy something from this site. (For permissions guidelines, please read the following question and its answer.)

May I use something on your site for my group Bible study?

Note: This question discusses using resources available on for various purposes, including Bible study.

First, thank you for your interest in sharing our content and resources with others. It is an honor to know that we are able to help people grow in their relationship with God.

The permissions guidelines below are based on what content you want to use from our site.

Excerpts From The Bible

If you wish to quote, copy, reproduce, or redistribute an excerpt from the Bible, whether or not you may do so depends on what translation you wish to use.

If you are using a translation that is in the Public Domain (i.e. not copyrighted), then you may use any excerpt for any purpose; there is no need to ask for permission. Of the Bible translations available on, the following are in the Public Domain (in the United States): American Standard Version, Bible in Basic English, Darby Translation, King James Version, World English Bible, and Young’s Literal Translation.

If you wish to use an excerpt from any other translation, you must follow the permissions guidelines of the copyright owner of the particular translation that you wish to use. For more information about permissions guidelines for copyrighted translations, please see this question.

Bible Commentary

The following Bible Commentaries that are available on are in the Public Domain (in the United States): John Darby’s Synopsis, Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary, and John Wesley’s Explanatory Notes. You may quote, copy, reproduce, or redistribute any of the commentaries that are in the Public Domain; there is no need to ask for permission, because no one owns the copyright for those commentaries.

Christian Wallpaper

Under no circumstances, may you copy, reproduce, or redistribute the Christian Wallpaper available on

Any Other Content

All text, content, articles, graphics, logos, and images on this site, except the aforementioned Public Domain Bible translations and commentaries, are property of ( and may not be quoted, copied, reproduced, or redistributed in any form without written permission from

Permission is granted for you to quote in written form the Daily Bible Verse and Weekly Wisdom for non-commercial use. In general, non-commercial use means providing the content for free and without charge. Non-commercial use would usually include use during a Sunday School lesson or a personal or group Bible study.

Every time you quote, copy, reproduce, or redistribute any content copyright by, you must include the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) where you found the content as well as the following statement: Copyright 2005 reserves the right to make the final decision in what content may be used for what purpose by whom.

When making decisions in all areas of life, include decisions about the use of other people's content, follow this guideline: "Do to others as you would have them do to you" (Luke 6:31).