Anchor # 8 on Moody's All-Time Bestseller List

I continue to be amazed at how God has used this little “gospel book” over the years.
Author, Speaker, President of Keep Believing Ministries
Published Mar 18, 2011
Anchor # 8 on Moody's All-Time Bestseller List

I just received a copy of a brand-new history of Moody Bible Institute written for their 125th anniversary called The MBI Story. On pages 203-204 author James Vincent mentions that four of the top eight all-time bestsellers from Moody Publishers have been released in the last 25 years. Coming in at number 8 is An Anchor for the Soul. I had no idea it was ranked so high.

I continue to be amazed at how God has used this little “gospel book” over the years. I wrote it at the request of the publisher as simple presentation of the gospel in “Wal-Mart” English. Through a partnership with Prison Fellowship and Good News Jail and Prison Ministries, copies of Anchor have gone into every prison in America. We’ve also given away thousands of copies to members of the United States Armed Forces. We’ve received over 10,000 letters (mostly from prisoners) testifying to the life-changing impact Anchor has had.

When I wrote the book, I had no idea, no plan, and no sense of how God was going to use it. He brought forth a harvest far beyond our expectations.

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Christianity / Dr. Ray Pritchard / Anchor # 8 on Moody's All-Time Bestseller List