Debunking Some Myths about Homosexuality

Over the last fifty years, homosexual advocates, with the help of a fawning media and compliant therapy class, have promoted a wave of other notions about sexual orientation—it is inborn; it is immutable; attempts to change it are harmful; and behaviors springing from it are morally neutral, if not morally wholesome—all to great effect.
Freelance Writer, Speaker, Worldview Teacher, Men's Ministry Leader
Published May 10, 2015
Debunking Some Myths about Homosexuality

Despite the serious and well-known flaws of Alfred C. Kinsey’s iconic research on sexuality, many of his conclusions have become so embedded in our cultural DNA that they persist even though proven false.

Take his claim that 10 percent of the population is homosexual.

In 2013 the CDC found that less than 2 percent of people are gay, about half the percentage found in previous studies. Yet judging from the numbers of gay folk on prime-time television and in movies, one would conclude that the percentage is 10 times higher or more. Think “Modern Family,” “The New Normal,” and Ellen DeGeneres’ “One Big Happy,” where the best friend of a heterosexual married man is a lesbian. Really?

In fact, it is rare to find any show on the small or big screen that fails to include the gratuitous gay character(s) and/or gay sex. Just the other night I had occasion to watch “Dig,” pitched as a mystery-thriller involving biblical archaeology and prophesy. I had high expectations. But there was enough dirt shoveled in one episode to bury “Dig” and keep it off the DVRs of what might have been its most invested audience: Bible-believing ChristiansIn addition to casting evangelical Christians (who else?) as evil operatives of an apocalyptic conspiracy, the show included three sex scenes: one (explicit) between heterosexuals and two between homosexuals.

Then there’s the Kinseyian claim that homosexuality is a normal variation of sexual expression. It’s a notion also reflected in modern cinema, where the compulsory gay character can be counted on to be the wittiest, cutest, and cuddliest on the set, betraying none of the existential angst, psychological distress, or physical pathologies so often experienced by real homosexuals.

Over the last fifty years, homosexual advocates, with the help of a fawning media and compliant therapy class, have promoted a wave of other notions about sexual orientation—it is inborn; it is immutable; attempts to change it are harmful; and behaviors springing from it are morally neutral, if not morally wholesome—all to great effect.

These memes are largely responsible, among other things, for the normalization of homosexuality in sex education curricula, the declassification of same-sex attraction (SSA) as a mental health concern, and the censure of conversion therapy (and its practitioners) aimed at helping gays better align their software (sexual affections) to their hardware (biological sex).

Even the president has come out, pledging to put the weight of his office behind ending therapeutic efforts to change a person’s sacred sexual proclivities.

So, how valid are these notions and the consequences they are spawning? Find out here.


Christianity / Regis Nicoll / Debunking Some Myths about Homosexuality