Why Christian Supporters of Same-Sex 'Marriage' Are Wrong

Or why Jesus would not bake a gay wedding cake.
Freelance Writer, Speaker, Worldview Teacher, Men's Ministry Leader
Published Mar 14, 2014
Why Christian Supporters of Same-Sex 'Marriage' Are Wrong

Fox News political analyst Kirsten Powers is a Christian who supports same-sex “marriage.” In her moral imagination, the only thing fueling the opposition to “marriage equality” is anti-gay bigotry. She suggests that if Jesus was a baker today he’dbake a cake for the ceremony. Her reasoning? In part: “Christianity doesn't prohibit serving a gay couple getting married.” (My emphasis.) I’ll come back to the “argument from silence” in a moment. 

Scarcely more than a decade ago, Christians who favored homosexual “marriage” were in the minority, at around 40 percent. No longer. Contrary to biblical teaching and historical church doctrine -- not to mention millennia of cultural tradition -- the support of same-sex “marriage” among Catholics and white mainline Protestants is the same as for the general public: 53 percent.

Strengthening the trend is the growing number of churches endorsing same-sex unions by way of consecrations or other solemnizing ceremonies. Among them: the Episcopal Church, the United Church of Christ, the Presbyterian Church USA, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

As to how their faith informs their stance on gay “marriage,” Christians parrot arguments demonstrating little understanding or acceptance of the faith that Jesus taught... Continue reading here


Christianity / Regis Nicoll / Why Christian Supporters of Same-Sex 'Marriage' Are Wrong