Whose side is God on? (Psalm 1 v 6)

Nations and leaders have often used religion to validate their own political claims. But it is quite clear here whose side God really is on, and it’s nothing to do with race or nationality!
A daily blog on Christianity.com
Published Feb 27, 2012
Whose side is God on? (Psalm 1 v 6)

Nations and leaders have often used religion to validate their own political claims. But it is quite clear here whose side God really is on, and it’s nothing to do with race or nationality!

Read Psalms 1:1

Two ways to live
Re-read verse 6

• What is the contrast made in verse 6?
• What do you think it means for the Lord to “watch over” us?

It is significant that the verse uses the personal name of God, Yahweh (usually written as LORD in our English translations).
Those who reject God will ultimately wither and die. Those who love Him are watched over by the God who has saved us and has committed Himself to us in the promise of the gospel. Read Hebrews 13:5.

There are millions of choices before us. What to wear; who to support; what job to do; where to live; who to marry; how to spend our money; which friends to cultivate; what books to read. But there are only two ways to live. And we express which way we have chosen to live in the way we make each and all of these decisions in everyday life.

The God who watches

“God is watching you—from a distance” goes the song. But nothing could be further from the truth. This verse reveals to us that God is watching us in an intimate, detailed, caring way that is filled with love. It’s a closeness that those who don’t know Him feel uncomfortable with. But those who have experienced His saving love welcome it, revel in it, rejoice in it.

• How do you react to the thought of God’s constant watching presence?
• When something in the next week goes wrong for you, how can you use this truth to calm and encourage yourself?
• What would you have thought or done differently last week if you’d really known God was watching?
• What will you do differently this week because you remember He is watching?
Read through this psalm once again. Let its view of life challenge yours. Let its concerns become yours. Let its promises be yours to hold on to.
Then pray through each verse, pausing to thank God for what you find there, and/or to ask God to help you live according to the truths you see.

• If you never got round to memorising Psalm 1, why not have a go this week? Then you can sing it to yourself all day, every day.

This devotional is taken from Explore—a daily Bible-reading devotional from the good book company which enables you to engage with Scripture and which will encourage, equip and inspire you to live for Christ. Explore features contributions from pastors such as Dr Timothy Keller, Mike McKinley and Tim Chester.

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Christianity / Explore God's Word Daily / Whose side is God on? (Psalm 1 v 6)