When Jesus Comes to Church

How easy it is to substitute knowledge for a warm heart toward Jesus. How quickly we justify our hard hearts by pointing to all our well-intentioned religiosity.
Author, Speaker, President of Keep Believing Ministries
Published Feb 04, 2012
When Jesus Comes to Church

If Jesus visited your church, what would he say about it?

Would he be impressed by the things that impress others?
Would he comment on your buildings?
Would he mention the size of the congregation?
Would he notice how much money was given last week?
Would he feel like an outsider?

Pastors always feel a bit nervous when someone says, “I visited your church last Sunday and . . ."
It’s what comes after the “and” that worries us.

What if Jesus himself dropped by?
Would the pastor wish he had worked harder on his sermon? (The answer is yes.)

What if Jesus himself dropped by?

Many years ago John Stott wrote a fine little book called What Christ Thinks of the Church based on the letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2-3. The book itself is excellent, but it is the title that catches our attention.

What does Jesus think about the church?
What does he think about the church you attend?

You can read the rest of the message online.

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Christianity / Dr. Ray Pritchard / When Jesus Comes to Church