The dangers of discipleship (John 18 v 25-27)

Have you ever listened to a politician being asked a question they don’t want to answer? And we despise the way they wriggle and squirm, trying to evade the clear question. There is something pathetic about dishonesty and cover-ups.
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Published Nov 01, 2011
The dangers of discipleship (John 18 v 25-27)

The dangers of discipleship John 18 v 25-27

Have you ever listened to a politician being asked a question they don’t want to answer? And we despise the way they wriggle and squirm, trying to evade the clear question. There is something pathetic about dishonesty and cover-ups.

Where Peter stands
Read John 18:25

• Look back at John 18:18. Where is Peter “standing” and who is he with?

In verse 25 he is still “standing” there. Where he “stands” physically is a picture of where he belongs spiritually.

• Why do you think it is a dangerous place to stand?

Think about a place where you go regularly, perhaps a workplace, or club, or school.
• What would it look like to be there physically without belonging there spiritually?

What Peter is asked

In John 18:21 Jesus invited people to ask “those who have heard me” to give testimony about Him. Now this is exactly what happens, as they ask Peter.

• What is the difference between the question of v 25 and the question he had been asked before in John 18:17?

It’s the same question. But as the ESV Bible translation makes clear, this time it’s asked not just by one unimportant person (a servant girl), but by “they”.

• Look back at John 18:18. Who are they?
• Why do you think this second question was more frightening than the first?

Read John 18:26

• Why do you think this third question is the most frightening of all (John 18:10 may help)?

• Why is it uncomfortable to be asked questions about Jesus and our faith in Him? What is it that makes you feel frightened?

Failure is no surprise
Read John 18:27

• What is the significance of the cock crowing (look back at John 13:38)?

Jesus was not taken by surprise. He knew none of the disciples were ready to give testimony to Him yet. One day they would, but not until the Holy Spirit was given to enable them to.

Thank Jesus that He knows we can’t stand up for Him on our own.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to help you to say clearly that you belong to Him next time you are asked.

This devotional is taken from Explore—a daily Bible-reading devotional from the good book company which enables you to engage with Scripture and which will encourage, equip and inspire you to live for Christ. Explore features contributions from pastors such as Dr Timothy Keller, Mike McKinley and Tim Chester.

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Christianity / Explore God's Word Daily / The dangers of discipleship (John 18 v 25-27)