Every Day Light 6/3

June 3
Portable medicine
For reading & meditation: Proverbs 28:1-17
"' a man of understanding and knowledge maintains order." (v.2)

We ended yesterday with the statement that any church which does not encourage its people, especially its youth, to dig into the book of Proverbs is doing them a major disservice. I was introduced to Proverbs within weeks of becoming a Christian and this book, perhaps more than any other in the Bible, has supplied me with wisdom for living that has enriched my life. Moreover, the teaching in this book has greatly empowered my ministry and my writing. Every young person in the Christian Church needs to be steeped in the book of Proverbs as there is nothing in the entire annals of literature that can so prepare them for life. Alexander McLaren, a famous preacher from a past generation, said: "Proverbs is portable medicine for the fevers of youth." How true. And we might add that with medicine what matters is that you take it whether you know the doctor or not. I have known a number of young men and women who have told me that they came to faith in Christ through reading the book of Proverbs. One such person told me: "When I applied the principles of Proverbs and saw that these wise and witty sayings really worked, I was drawn to search for the One whose hand was so clearly present in the book and also in my life. After reading the Instruction Manual I wanted to know the Instructor." Not everyone, of course, will react in that way, but I myself am convinced that encouraging and exposing people, especially young people, to the ideas and concepts of Proverbs is one of the greatest forms of evangelism that can be conducted.


O Father, help me use any influence I have with young people to motivate them toward reading and absorbing the book of Proverbs. But first, let me dwell deep within it myself. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

For further study:

Colossians 2:1-8Luke 2:40-52Isaiah 11:2

1. In whom is wisdom hidden?

2. What was the effect as Jesus grew in wisdom?