Hands-On Faith - Week of February 16, 2015

Hands-on Faith for Families
Week of February 16, 2015

Theme: Love

Love Is Patient

Play: Play “the quiet game” and see who can go the longest without speaking or making a sound.

Talk: It takes a lot of patience to sit quietly and wait when you really want to talk or play. In 1 Corinthians 13:4, the Bible tells us that real love, godly love, is patient. Sometimes that might mean that we give others the benefit of the doubt if they hurt us. Other times it might mean that we keep quiet instead of arguing when we disagree with someone. How else can you show patient love to others?

Pray: Pray that God will help you to love others patiently.

Crystal Brothers



Christianity / Devotionals / Hands-On Faith for Families / Hands-On Faith - Week of February 16, 2015