The Weekly Focal Point - November 6


If only we were as concerned with our spiritual beauty, as people in our culture are with their external attractiveness. Unfortunately, like the world, we often fail to value what God finds attractive. The kudos received for losing a few pounds or getting a hair cut are seemingly more gratifying than the benefits of a heart strengthened by grace or a character fortified with patience. But you can be sure that when the Scripture highlights the comparison between spiritual and physical attractiveness, our “inner beauty” is asserted to be of “great worth in God’s sight” (1Pt.3:4). While we may not be complimented by our coworkers for a beautiful heart, we can know that God treasures the attractive spirit. He is quick to defend, support and draw near to those who, through thoughtful preparation, take the time to draw near to him by starting each day with the question “How does my spirit look today?”

--Pastor Mike


WFP offer

This season is often marked by family traditions. From gathering around the table to express what we are thankful for to preparing our favorite holiday foods. But beyond the fun and festivities, one of the things I like most about traditions is the way they demarcate the years. These annual rituals help us see how far we’ve come since last year, what things have changed, and most importantly, the sort of legacy we are building over the course of our lives.

As you look back on the years, what kind of heritage are you building? Are you investing in those who will outlive you? Leaving a strong spiritual legacy doesn’t happen without intentionality. It requires strategy. It means you become generous in sharing your life and faith with Christians younger in the faith. Of course, the most natural place for this ministry to take place is in the home. Our first responsibility is to impart the wisdom and knowledge of God to our children.

When you give a donation this month to Focal Point, as a small way of saying thank you, we’ll send you an excellent book by Josh McDowell. It’s called 10 Commitments for Dads: How to Have an Awesome Impact on Your Kids.    

Request 10 Commitments for Dads by Josh McDowell with your donation this month.

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Christianity / Devotionals / The Weekly Focal Point / The Weekly Focal Point - November 6