Common Temptations Parents And Families Face - Answers for Church Members - July 28

9 Marks

What are some common temptations parents and families face?

Sunday morning struggles. It seems that Satan often comes into our homes on Sunday mornings in order to make the Lord's Day a day of struggle. So pray, rise early, and be patient.

Pressure from other people (other church members, Christian grandparents, etc.) to baptize your children. Resist such outward pressure. Instead, look for and test for a credible profession of faith in your child (Prov. 22:15).

Threats to the parents’ authority and the family’s unity. Satan is a divider and always attacks authority. In your home, fight for unity around the gospel.

For mothers, the “I-can-do-it-all superwoman” mindset. This is at best a myth and at worst a lie from hell (Matthew 6:24, Luke 10:40-41).

Sporting events on Sundays. Decide while your children are young that you will not allow the growing all-weekend sports phenomenon to usurp your worship.

The Christian bubble. Arming your children for the world doesn’t necessarily mean shielding them from it. Consider getting your high-school-aged children out of the Christian bubble.

Leaving discipleship to the church and Sunday school. The Bible charges parents to train their children in the discipline and nurture of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). This is not a responsibility they can simply farm out to the church.

(This material has been adapted from Matt and Elizabeth Schmucker’s article, “39 Lessons, 20 Tips and 10 Don’ts for Parenting”)

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Christianity / Devotionals / Answers for Church Members / Common Temptations Parents And Families Face - Answers for Church Members - July 28