A Good Thing - November 27

Day 27 ThemeDeath and Dying
Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory– Psalms 73:24

All of life is here summed up in one verse.

While I am here on this earth, the psalmist gloats to the Lord, You will guide me. You will give me the direction I need for each step of the way. You will never leave me or forsake me. You will help me when I stumble, and you will steer me when I lose my way.

What’s more is you will guide me with thy counsel. This is no mere human, fallible leader. You are an all-knowing, all-wise escort. You will never give me wrong advice or send me in a wrong direction. I will never meet a problem to which you do not know the solution, and I will never get so off course that you cannot guide me back to safety.

But that is all just life on earth! Afterward, you will receive me to glory. After you have carefully and lovingly directed my way here, you will usher me into your glorious presence in heaven. There is no intermediary state — death is not a tunnel, it is a door. And when you release my hand in this world, you will receive me into the next. There is no “sending”; there is only guiding and then receiving — no time apart from you.

Death, where is your sting; Grave, where is your victory; Devil, where is your terror? My God will guide me with His counsel, and then receive me to His glory.

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Christianity / Devotionals / Today's Devotionals / A Good Thing - November 27