The Message of Jesus - Discover the Book - September 3, 2011


The Message of Jesus

As believers today, one of the greatest privileges we have is knowing and sharing the message of Jesus. What is the message of Jesus?

Have you ever thought about what a wonderful change the sweet message of Jesus has brought? What is this life changing message? Lets read it in Mark 1:14-15.

In this passage we will only cover two verses in Mark's Gospel, but these verses span over 8 months of Christ's life and ministry. Mark has an agenda as the Spirit led him. The purpose?  To show the message of Jesus. What is that message?

In these events over 8 months here is His message. Each of these events teaches us wonderful lessons:

  1. Lamb of God? Jesus is all we need to get to Heaven.
  2. Water to wine? Jesus enjoyed life's pleasures.
  3. Cleansing the Temple? Jesus wants undistracted worship.
  4. Nicodemus? Jesus meets us where we are, and meets us there.
  5. John the Baptist imprisoned? Jesus gives us hope to the end that to die is gain!
  6. Woman at Well? Jesus loves us no matter what we have done; He knows it all and still loves us.
  7. Galilean Sermon? Jesus says salvation is so simple, that it is impossible.

Jesus says salvation is so simple, but it is impossible. How is it impossible? Think of the Biblical pictures of those who were damned.

The rich Young Ruler sought out Jesus, ran to Him, and sliding in at His feet ask how to get to Heaven. He was bright, focused, energetic and sincere. When he heard the absolute level of Christ's Lordship, he declined and stomped away to the blackness of Darkness.

Judas walked, talked, slept, ate and watched Jesus for His entire public ministry. Yet Judas was on the three and a half year Road to Hell. So close,  and yet so far.

Salvation is humanly impossible. Judas never let Jesus save him even though he was right next to Him for all that time.

If you reject God's Final Call of Grace,
You'll have no chance your footsteps to retrace,
All hope will then be gone, and Doom you'll face;
Oh hear it now, God's Final Call.
-J. W. Peterson

Salvation is so simple, and yet it is impossible apart from a work of God in a person's heart. While you hear His voice, say yes, and do not harden your heart and turn away. If you do, chances are you will never come back, and Doom you'll face!

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Christianity / Devotionals / Today's Devotionals / The Message of Jesus - Discover the Book - September 3, 2011