Hands-On Faith – Week of September 4, 2017

Hands-on Faith for Families– week of September 4, 2017

Theme: Talk with God

God Longs for You

Scripture: Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)

Play: Line up a number of small glasses next to the kitchen sink. One by one, fill the glasses. Discuss how you could fill every container in your house and water would still flow out of the faucet. In a similar way, God’s longing for you won’t end.

Talk: God is available to you at all times. Just as you can fill another glass with water simply by turning on the faucet, so you can enjoy God’s presence by going to Him in prayer. Read Isaiah 30:18: “The Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!” God wants you to grow closer to Him, to be filled with His love and peace, because He longs for what is best for you. Although God works on your behalf, He wants you to respond to Him, showing a willingness to share your life with Him. One way you can do that is by talking to Him daily.

Pray: Thank God for all the ways He loves and cares for you. Ask Him to show you how much He wants you to talk with Him.

Lee Smedly



Christianity / Devotionals / Hands-On Faith for Families / Hands-On Faith – Week of September 4, 2017