221 A sterling reputation is better than striking it rich; a gracious spirit is better than money in the bank.

2 The rich and the poor shake hands as equals - God made them both!

3 A prudent person sees trouble coming and ducks; a simpleton walks in blindly and is clobbered.

4 The payoff for meekness and Fear-of-God is plenty and honor and a satisfying life.

5 The perverse travel a dangerous road, potholed and mud-slick; if you know what's good for you, stay clear of it.

6 Point your kids in the right direction - when they're old they won't be lost.

7 The poor are always ruled over by the rich, so don't borrow and put yourself under their power.

Matthew Henry's Commentary on Proverbs 22:1-7

Commentary on Proverbs 22:1

(Read Proverbs 22:1)

We should be more careful to do that by which we may get and keep a good name, than to raise or add unto a great estate.

Commentary on Proverbs 22:2

(Read Proverbs 22:2)

Divine Providence has so ordered it, that some are rich, and others poor, but all are guilty before God; and at the throne of God's grace the poor are as welcome as the rich.

Commentary on Proverbs 22:3

(Read Proverbs 22:3)

Faith foresees the evil coming upon sinners, and looks to Jesus Christ as the sure refuge from the storm.

Commentary on Proverbs 22:4

(Read Proverbs 22:4)

Where the fear of God is, there will be humility. And much is to be enjoyed by it; spiritual riches, and eternal life at last.

Commentary on Proverbs 22:5

(Read Proverbs 22:5)

The way of sin is vexatious and dangerous. But the way of duty is safe and easy.

Commentary on Proverbs 22:6

(Read Proverbs 22:6)

Train children, not in the way they would go, that of their corrupt hearts, but in the way they should go; in which, if you love them, you would have them go. As soon as possible every child should be led to the knowledge of the Saviour.

Commentary on Proverbs 22:7

(Read Proverbs 22:7)

This shows how important it is for every man to keep out of debt. As to the things of this life, there is a difference between the rich and the poor; but let the poor remember, it is the Lord that made the difference.