We Are Not Miracle Workers

We don't work miracles. Jesus does.
Author, Speaker, President of Keep Believing Ministries
Published Jan 12, 2014
We Are Not Miracle Workers

"Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds” (Matthew 14:19).

Jesus works the miracle.
The disciples distribute the food.

Don’t get that backwards.
We don’t work miracles. Jesus does.

When you get busy handing out the food, don’t put on airs or get the big head or think, "Look at me. I’m doing something great.” No, you didn’t do anything great. If anything great was done, Jesus did it.

Don’t take credit for what Jesus does.
Take the bread and pass it out to the hungry people.

That’s our job.
Let Jesus get the credit.

You’re the servant. He’s the Son of God.
Always helps to keep that straight.

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Christianity / Dr. Ray Pritchard / We Are Not Miracle Workers