God's Stars

God has his "stars" in many places.
Author, Speaker, President of Keep Believing Ministries
Published Nov 15, 2013
God's Stars

"Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever” (Daniel 12:3).

This lovely verse reminds us that God has his ‘stars’ in many places. They shine in the darkness of this world. Many of you have seen pictures of the famous Hollywood Walk of Stars. Those stars are metal plates fastened to the sidewalk. I’ve been there and seen those metal stars dedicated to people like Bob Hope, George Burns, Lucille Ball, and many others. Each year Hollywood honors its stars in the annual Oscar presentations. Hundreds of millions watch to see who wears the most revealing dress and which movie will win the most awards.

Who are God’s stars? Not the ones the world applauds. God’ s stars are those who lead many to righteousness. They point others to Jesus. They and they alone will shine like the stars in the heavens.

Who are God’s stars?

The mother who patiently teaches her children about Jesus.
The office worker who answers questions from her friends.
The son who witnesses to his parents.
The coach who shares Christ with his players.
The friend who tells his buddies about Christ.
The Sunday School teacher who prays for her children to be saved.
The young couple who goes to Mozambique as missionaries.
They are God’s heroes, and they will one day shine like the stars.

The glory of this world will one day fade away. But those who tell others about Christ will still be shining ten thousand years from now.

If you want what you plant to last a year, plant some flowers.
If you want it to last a lifetime, plant a tree.
If you want it to last forever, plant the Good News of Jesus inside the heart of a lost person.

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