Shame Interrupted: He Knows My Name

Open a Bible at random and you will find God’s words speaking to those who live with shame.
Simply put our mission is to: Restore Christ to Counseling and Counseling to the Church.
Published Jun 26, 2012
Shame Interrupted: He Knows My Name

 by Dr. Ed Welch

“Open a Bible at random and you will find God’s words speaking to those who live with shame.” I have said this many times and didn’t intend it as exaggeration. But I never put it to the test.

Eyes closed, I opened to… 1 Chronicles 1:1 and 4. As I scanned the pages, I saw-genealogies! How about best out of two?

I was just about to close the Bible and aim for a more likely passage, when I again noticed the many names. So many names. In a sea of Israelites, God sees individual people and knows their names.

That reminded me of a story.

A mission team from our church was in Ivory Park, a destitute township outside of Johannesburg, South Africa. They were doing kids clubs and were overwhelmed with hundreds of orphans.

What should the team do? They planned crafts for about one hundred. What about some songs? Donna Buddemeier had an inspired thought.

“Let’s sing, ‘He Knows My Name.’”

I have a Maker

He formed my heart

Before even time began

My life was in his hand

He knows my name

He knows my every thought

He sees each tear that falls

And hears me when I call

Hundreds of children sang this song—many of them having no one who knows their name. They sang with smiles and hand motions. They sang loud and with layered harmonies that rivaled the Soweto Gospel Choir. Witness it and tears stream down your cheeks and your faith in Christ soars, as you believe your Maker might even know your name too.

Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I must stay at your house today” (Luke 19:5). When someone important knows your name, your heart responds—you have been honored! The important person is associating with you.

When you are known by name, you have found favor in the eyes of the person who speaks it (Exodus 33:12).

But best of all is that those who have identified themselves as being with Jesus carry a new name. Those who experience shame often say that their name is shame.  Though they are blessed to be known by name, they still feel . . . dirty. A new name, therefore, is just what they need. As people sometimes take on a new name in marriage, so we will all have a new name that identifies us.

They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads (Revelation 22:4)

You might have a hard time believing all this at first, but then read another Bible story, and then—another. They bear witness to the God who “knows” you, in the very best sense. After a few dozen more stories about the Father’s unique interest in the discarded and outcast, you must give up and believe.

He knows your name and will also give you his.

{"He Knows My Name" lyrics by Tommy Walker.}

our 2012 national conference is on shame & guilt - get more information here!

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Edward T. Welch (M.Div., Ph.D.) counsels and teaches at CCEF. He is the author of When People Are Big and God is Small.

CCEF Since 1968, the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation ( has set the pace in biblical counseling. We teach people how to explore the wisdom and depth of the Bible and apply its grace-centered message to the problems of daily living. Simply put our mission is to: Restore Christ to Counseling and Counseling to the Church. We offer conferences, courses, resources and counseling. Follow us on twitter and facebook.


Christianity / CCEF Blog / Shame Interrupted: He Knows My Name