The greatest story (Luke 24 v 46-53)

In a way, it was the end of the story: but in another way, the story was only just beginning.
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Published Apr 10, 2012
The greatest story (Luke 24 v 46-53)

In a way, it was the end of the story: but in another way, the story was only just beginning.

Read Luke 24:46

The past

Jesus was talking to His disciples for the last time in Luke’s Gospel.

• Which events that were foretold in the Old Testament had already happened?

Their future

• What lay in the future for the disciples (v 47-48)?
• What was the message that was to be preached, and where must it be proclaimed?
• How did the events of the recent past (v 46) link with the events of their future (v 47-48)?

Their present

• The disciples' preaching needed to wait for what (v 49)?

Jesus was describing the Holy Spirit (see John 15:26).

• How would this promise in verse 49 have encouraged the disciples as they considered the challenges of their future?
• What was Jesus' last act before returning to heaven, His mission on earth completed (v 50-51)?

We might expect Jesus' friends to have reacted to His leaving them with sadness or anxiety. But instead they went back to Jerusalem with “great joy” (v 52). Why? They knew that Jesus, God's Son, through His death and resurrection, had blessed them. They knew that the Father would send the Spirit to give them power. They knew that they were the bearers of a wonderful message, with the challenging privilege of telling the world that Jesus is Lord (so repent) and Jesus is Savior (so
receive forgiveness).
No wonder they couldn't stop praising God (v 53)!

Our present
• Which of these events lie in our past? Which lies in our present?
• What is our part in v 47?

The story's still being written…

Very few Christians find telling the nations about Christ easy.
• How does v 49 encourage you?
• Who could you pray for and proclaim to this week? Will you rely on the power of the Spirit, and take a risk to tell them?
Ask God to help you, in the power of the Spirit, to be part of the story of how the gospel of His Son reached all nations.

This devotional is taken from Explore—a daily Bible-reading devotional from the good book company which enables you to engage with Scripture and which will encourage, equip and inspire you to live for Christ. Explore features contributions from pastors such as Dr Timothy Keller, Mike McKinley and Tim Chester.

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Christianity / Explore God's Word Daily / The greatest story (Luke 24 v 46-53)