Really risen (Luke 24 v 36-46)

The resurrection is the foundation of the whole of the Christian faith: but many Christians find themselves wondering from time to time if Jesus really did rise.
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Published Apr 10, 2012
Really risen (Luke 24 v 36-46)

The resurrection is the foundation of the whole of the Christian faith: but many Christians find themselves wondering from time to time if Jesus really did rise. Luke, ever the historian, wants to reassure us with some cold, hard facts.

Can it be?
Read Luke 24:36

Remember that these disciples have already heard that Jesus has risen from the women, from Simon Peter, and from the pair who walked to Emmaus (Luke 24:9). They know “it is true!” (v 34).

• But when Jesus appears among them, how do they react (v 37)?
• Jesus wants them to be at peace: but what does He know is going on inside them (v 38)?

It can be!
Read Luke 24:39

• What does Jesus do to help His friends see that He really has risen from the dead?
• What point is Jesus making when He shows them His hands and feet (v 40)?

• Do you feel peace about the truth of the resurrection, or are you troubled by it? Which of these truths will you focus on to drive out the doubts?
• How can you use these details to point non-believing friends or family to the truth of the resurrection?

It had to be
Read Luke 24:44

• What had to happen (v 44)?
• What was the content of what Jesus told them must happen (v 46)?

Given what the Old Testament had predicted (see, for instance, Isaiah 53:4), it would have been far more surprising if God's Christ hadn't risen!

• What did they (and what do we) need in order to grasp this (v 45)?

This isn’t something we can do ourselves—we need Jesus to do it for us.

TIME OUT… Read 1 Corinthians 15:14
• Why does it matter whether Jesus really rose?
• Why, then, is verse 20 such great, great news? How does it make you feel?
Thank God for the reality of Jesus' resurrection. Ask Him to help you whenever you face doubts.
Pray for two or three friends who don't know Jesus. Ask God to open their minds so they can understand that Jesus is the crucified, risen Christ.

This devotional is taken from Explore—a daily Bible-reading devotional from the good book company which enables you to engage with Scripture and which will encourage, equip and inspire you to live for Christ. Explore features contributions from pastors such as Dr Timothy Keller, Mike McKinley and Tim Chester.

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Christianity / Explore God's Word Daily / Really risen (Luke 24 v 36-46)