The mark of the blessed (Psalm 1)

How do you spot someone who is truly blessed by God?
A daily blog on
Published Feb 23, 2012
The mark of the blessed (Psalm 1)

How do you spot someone who is truly blessed by God?

Read Psalms 1:1

• What is the quality you most look for in friends, work colleagues, yourself?

There may be many things—good humour, professionalism, truthfulness. Did you have words like faithfulness and reliability somewhere on your list? Whatever their character, if an acquaintance is faithful and not flighty, constant not capricious, then they are someone you can trust and depend on.

Re-read verse 3

Think about the image of a tree being used here.

• Why is the tree “evergreen”, do you think?
• What are the visible results of its invisible source of nourishment?

A Christian shows constancy, or stickability, because he or she has built his life on Christ, who is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13 v 8). As our life grows in us by the Holy Spirit’s work in our hearts, we start to show the same
qualities in our lives as Jesus did in His. We are not blown about by popular or clever-sounding opinions. We are not dragged off course by friends or enemies. We do not seek to feel better about ourselves, or gain recognition for ourselves,
by pushing others down.

Is the end of verse 3 a promise that Christians close to God will grow rich?
Yes—and no! In the Old Testament God illustrates with worldly wealth the blessing He pours out on those He loves. But this is an illustration only. Some believers will enjoy the blessing and responsibility of worldly wealth. Others will enjoy the blessing and responsibility of worldly poverty. We are all rich beyond our wildest dreams in Christ.
Read Ephesians 2:7
Is v 3 a picture of the person you want to be? The clues to how to get there are in the image. Plant yourself in Christ. Draw your strength and sustenance from Him. Meditate day and night on the gospel of God, and you will grow more like Christ
by the grace and power of God.
• As you look forward to the next week, at what time do you think you will be in most danger of forgetting about the gospel? What will you do at that point to remind yourself?
Speak to God about verse 3 now. Ask Him to establish you in Christ so that you will be evergreen, fruitful, wealthy in the only way that matters, and so that you will be a blessing to others.

This devotional is taken from Explore—a daily Bible-reading devotional from the good book company which enables you to engage with Scripture and which will encourage, equip and inspire you to live for Christ. Explore features contributions from pastors such as Dr Timothy Keller, Mike McKinley and Tim Chester.

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Christianity / Explore God's Word Daily / The mark of the blessed (Psalm 1)