The cost of being an insider (John 18 v 12-18)

We want to be insiders, and hate feeling as if we’re outsiders. Whoever the in crowd may be, we naturally want to belong with them. But there is often a cost…
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Published Nov 01, 2011
The cost of being an insider (John 18 v 12-18)

The cost of being an insider John 18 v 12-18

We want to be insiders, and hate feeling as if we’re outsiders. Whoever the in-crowd may be, we naturally want to belong with them. But there is often a cost…

Powerful opposition
Read John 18:12

• Who is against Jesus?

The most powerful people in the land are related to each other, and all are determined to kill Jesus. Annas and his relatives held power for 34 years out of 36 between AD6 and AD41. He was a nasty, corrupt political fixer.

• Who are the most powerful people in your neighbourhood, workplace, or society? Are they pro-Jesus or not?

Outsiders and Insiders
Read John 18:15

Look carefully at the language of being outside and being inside.

• What is the “inside place” (v 15)?
• Where does Peter end up (v 16)?

This is the place of all human power. Peter’s move from outside to inside is a picture of what we all long to do, to get “in” with the powerful people.

• Which group of people would you naturally most like to be “in” with, in your workplace, neighbourhood, college or school?

The cost of going in
Read John 18:17

• What question does Peter have to answer in order to be allowed in?
• How does he answer?

It is so easy, so natural, so understandable, and so terribly wrong. Notice how Jesus is described only as “this man”; who would want to be associated with Him, now that He is under arrest?

Standing in the cold
Read John 18:18

It’s a sad picture. These people are in the dark and cold (literally and spiritually) and have to light and warm themselves with a fire. And now Peter is “standing” with them, “warming himself” in the in-crowd.

Think ahead to when someone next challenges you about being a Christian.
• What will you be tempted to say? Why?
Pray that you will give courageous testimony to Jesus, especially when people around you despise Him.

This devotional is taken from Explore—a daily Bible-reading devotional from the good book company which enables you to engage with Scripture and which will encourage, equip and inspire you to live for Christ. Explore features contributions from pastors such as Dr Timothy Keller, Mike McKinley and Tim Chester.

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Christianity / Explore God's Word Daily / The cost of being an insider (John 18 v 12-18)