Sermons for Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Here are 17 sermons to help you prepare for Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.
Author, Speaker, President of Keep Believing Ministries
Updated Jan 19, 2011
Sermons for Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

On January 23 thousands of churches will observe Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Since 1973 this observance has taken place annually on the Sunday closest to the anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision that legalized abortion in America.

Here are 17 sermons that may help you in your preaching and Bible teaching this week. The first few deal with abortion directly. The rest deal with some aspect of the issue-how to respond, how abortion touches fundamental issues of theology, the importance of moral purity, how speak out with tenacious, winsome courage, and how to show love to those who are hurting and confused. Please feel free to use this material in any way that may be helpful in your own ministry. May God be pleased to count this as a tiny contribution on the side of life.

Life: What a Beautiful Choice  
The Truth About Abortion   
Shall We Kill Our Children Today? 
Murder in My Mouth  
Choose Life  
Image is Everything  
How to be a Godly Rebel  
Create in Me a Clean Heart  
A Time to Disobey  
Nightmare on Main Street  
A Place to Belong  
Staying Pure in an X-Rated World   
Love One Another Deeply  
The Blessing No One Wants  
Christian Boldness in an Age of Tolerance 
Christ-Like Love in a World of Hate  

Here are 11 sermons by Brian Bill on the same topic. I highly recommend these sermons for their blend of biblical faithfulness and pastoral sensitivity. 

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Christianity / Dr. Ray Pritchard / Sermons for Sanctity of Human Life Sunday