
Smith’s Bible Dictionary

“Tahath” means station

  1. A Kohathite Levite, ancestor of Samuel and Heman. (1 Chronicles 6:22,37; 9:22) (B.C. about 1415.)
  2. According to the present text, son of Bered, and great-grandson of Ephraim. (1 Chronicles 7:20) Burrington, however, identifies Tahath with Tahan, the son of Ephraim.
  3. Grandson of the preceding, as the text now stands. (1 Chronicles 7:20) But Burrington considers him as a son of Ephraim.

the name of a desert station of the Israelites between Makheloth and Tarah. (Numbers 33:26) The site has not been identified.

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  • Hitchcocks’s Bible Names